
Psalm 42
The Fight Between Freedom Farce & Technocrats

Today I read scripture then we talked about how the Freedom Farce (New Age doctors, Clay Clark's Clown Tours, Trump's ecumenical people - His beginning supporters) is in a pretense war with Technocrats. They present to world that there is a battle going on over control of Trump. The Technocrats is represented by Elon Musk and others are his original supporters. They are on same team.

I am showing you all this because they will be trying to recruit your family members to form these sovereign states. You will see more of this on the news in coming days. At least this way you will know what's going on...

Catherine Austin Fitt's Document here....

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed

In her report, you will notice that she does not mention decentralization. This is the whole point of the matter. It's such a deception to make you all think that it is a war of central banks (she is a financial expert). This woman is an occultist and New Ager (just like all the other New Age doctors). Look at this...

She teaches SPIRITUAL SCIENCE ACADEMY. This is where she teaches New Age doctrine! She also teaches a class on THE CORE MISSION OF RUDOLPH STEINER - which specializes in reincarnation and other occult theories! New age to the bone! 

Her article is to push people to do social justice on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE. This is trying to get people to form sovereign states now! Such a farce!

See Christine Beadsworth's Podcasts...

On Christina's podcast I wanted you to see the advancement towards this epic battle and Trump throwing the old order off the cliff! He wants to push people right towards the cliff/BEAST. The Beast is the AI system. They're all working together! Don't be fooled!