I shared my heart about the disobedience I've been in with God about doing the news. I repent to the Bride about picking it back up. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I have to stop. I'm so sorry Bride. I've got to continue this new road He's taking me on which is the Bible College, church, and Bible Studies. I've got to prepare the Bride for what is coming. I humbly ask you to forgive me.
The Lord showed me the well is dried up with it through giving, etc. The fruit is in my obedience. He has made it very plain.
So, today I shared what God showed me this morning in Psalm 19. In this Psalm God is giving us HIS TESTIMONY! I break it down!
Here's the word I forgot to tell you guys that He gave me:
God is wanting us to write it down on Earthly trees and document what we remember and know about HIM. The Earthly Beast System is destroying the Earth to destroy God's image. They want to ruin His testimony like they want to ruin yours! Satan has but a short time to do this because God will have this Earth back and it will be a New Jerusalem and New Earth then! God's testimony and proof of who He is our Earth. When we see the sky, the stars, the trees, humans, animals, etc., it's all a testimony to God's handiwork! They want to remove and destroy all that God has done (even through creating humans!). They want to remove the testimony of God and stick people's faces in the Metaverse - on a screen, on glasses, and into His kingdom!
We as His people, are to keep HIS memory alive while we are in this dark hour. We are the light. We are to testify to the goodness of God and who He is. We cannot trust that anyone else is going to do this.