
Psalm 42
As the Deer Panteth for the Water

Today we talked about how hungry are we really? I talked about a dream I had last night:

I dreamed I was in a church and an old friend of mine was explaining to the leaders about the delimma of what's happening in the world and the church told her to get off social security. Now, I knew that she was taking care of her grandson who is challenged with a disability and abandoned by the parents. I knew she was elderly as well and survived off of her benefits. So, I was defending her to this counsel because I was familiar with her and knew that this was her bread and butter. This is her survival. As I'm explaining why she needs to stay on government assistance, the Holy Spirit interrupted me and said, "Am I Her Provider?" I then hung my head and woke up. I knew God was saying that I was trying to rationalize her survival like the world thinks. He wants us to go higher and trust in HIM TO PROVIDE.

So, in this chapter of Psalms, it talks about trusting God so much you're lapping at the well.


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