Today we talk about how lies and deception is so real out there with many "influencers" on YouTube and other platforms who will tell you so much truth then lead you off a cliff. For example you need to pay attention to:
Colors they use (red, black and white - Freedom Farce or purposeful deception) or (rainbow colors - LGBTQ & NOAHIDE) or black only (Noahides) or black and white combination (masonic)
What hats do they wear? Are they trying to look like a certain group that is rising up? NLs?
Are they pushing you into Beast system? (crypto, web3, NFTs, New Age, Hebrew Roots, NAR, world universalism, universal consciousness, etc)
Are they debunking Christianity's foundation? How about the Christianity founding of the country, etc?
What is their name? Most of these people who have a lot of followers have new names that mostly match what they are doing - ex. Cain (Cain killed Able), Trump (the last Trump), Patch (revealing the patch coming), Celestial, etc. Pay attention!