We are at the point in time that we need to really examine our lives and make sure we do not have seared consciousness. Are we willing to be corrected, chastised and rebuked? As scripture says in 1 Timothy, we are sons. Sons are corrected. They are dearly loved. God loves those that He rebukes.
Do self-evaluations - concrete judgments
Trust in His word to sanctify our heart - Matthew 5:8
Be honest with yourself. If you say you have no sin within yourself, you are lying
Confess your faults one to another. This takes faith.
Do not be entangled with world
If your conscious is too easily wounded, don't dismiss your conscious or override conviction
If you are violating your conscious, you are sinning
We can't order our lives by emotions
We need to live in peace, love an joy
We cannot let a faulty conscious lead us into sin
In latter times so may depart from the faith, speaking lies in hypocrisy
Searing is like a burning closure in your heart
It becomes insensitive to moral truth - Romans 1
Like a surface of a cut that has become numb to the pain
Is your mind numb to the pain? to what's happening? seared with the lies of the demons and devils?
People are being seduced into these false teachings - getting their ears tickled by half-truths. They are being sucked in. They are departing from the faith of truth.
Sanctified by the word of God and prayer - sanctified by fellowship
Stay in good teaching
Paul believed that people with a pure conscious are always remind you of what is good and evil (don't go that way or this way) - People who violate their conscious than violate their faith so BEWARE! We want answered prayers!
We must stir up the gifts to help us (praying in tongues, etc.)
When you know your IDENTITY in Christ, you should not be ashamed of your testimony! You have been bought with a price.
Are you ready to suffer for the cause of Christ?
We must share the word of Truth and be willing to pay the consequences.
Gal 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ, neverless I live! Christ IN ME. Romans 6