Led by: Pastor Dennis Wehr
Date: March 2, 2025
God talked to Elijah and said He had 7,000 people who have NOT bowed to Baal!
Baal is a false god with a small g
Kind of like Babylon - they are different gods they bow to
Baal means to CONFOUND - CONFUSE
Gain-saying people means to deny or contradict!
It's about the remnant of Israel!
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit
Be humble before God - be clean, healed
We need to establish in our hearts that HE ruleth in the Kingdom of men!
We must hearken unto His Word!
Wipe the dust off your feet if they won't receive you!
There is a remnant!
We are seeing the warnings going out about this end-time deception - lies and deceipt. Are they receiving it?
God has a plan for those who will not bow to Baal - this worldly system