Acts 10, 2 Cor 11:3-4, Matt 24:36, Rom 16:18, 2 Thess 2:3-4, Matt 6:16, Luke 11, 1 Peter 2, James 2, Ps 118
What a Friend we have in Jesus
I surrender all
In the days to come, we must know who we are in Christ and trust that we are from another Kingdom where God is the motherboard. He is the head of the communications department and he knows how to communicate and move His kingdom around. He will talk to us like He did with Cornelius and Peter.
Acts 10 is a salvation message. It reveals that God's love and salvation is offered to all people. No matter their background. God is no respector of persons.
Beware of false prophets and the false Jesus being presented right now.
This year we are seeking God through fasting & prayer. More info here...
We are a holy priesthood to God. We are a spiritual house - Christ in us, the hope of glory. We trust in Him alone. God knows how to communicate to His house.
God has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light! We must live in a way to honor God. We are called to live in holiness.