Who are you going to trust in this hour? Are you going to trust in the government to provide (the Beast), or in God? The Beast is screaming that he will save everything, everyone, make you prosporous, etc. However, the price you will pay on the other side of that trust is the key. Pastor Dennis explains that this is not the hour to be "willingly ignorant". The words of Isaiah are so relevant to what we are going through now. We must trust in the Lord alone.
Mama June's warning:
We are in the hour where people are being swept away in the delusion. You need to learn now to enjoy being alone with Jesus. Set him a plate at Christmas to have a visual of Him with you. We must learn to walk this out alone with Jesus when we are not able to gather together like this and encourage one another. The enemy will use others to sway you to come back to Babylon, or to take the mark, worship his image or the number of his name. Many people are being swept away by their lusts. You never know people. They are going to do what they are going to do. However...we can only pray for them and hold our position of holiness and consecration to the Lord. Many people do not see the end-time scenario like we do. They haven't studied like we have to know what the enemy is doing. Let them go and don't lose hope in Jesus.
From Pastor:
We are the Israel of today. The new covenant is in our hearts. God's everlasting love for us is Jesus.
Isaiah 30 -