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I served pastors and ministries across this country from 2013 - 2016 before I went to the national tour in 2017. You will see history in letter. The Lord told me to mail them a Christmas card and warn them of what's coming in 2025. I forgot to add about Project 2025. Please research this!

See my slide of pictures - I was on the Trump Train until God revealed the truth.


Please see letter below:

To Honorable Pastors,

Written December 24, 2024 from Decaturville, TN.

Hello, this is June Knight. I got married about two and a half years ago and now my last name is Wehr. I’m very happy living on a farm in Decaturville, Tennessee with three goats, 30 chickens, two dogs and a wonderful godly man who is the pastor of our church! 

The Lord gave me a dream and told me to write to you pastors and tell you the truth about what I know is coming to the church in 2025 and beyond. I know this will be hard for many of you to believe because it is so contrary to your circles of influence and the mainstream media. However, I must warn you of what is about to hit your home and churches. Please read with an open heart and do your own research to at least consider what I’m saying, so that you can be spared in the coming days. This is life and death. This is the one world order and one world religion merging.


As many of you know, I began traveling the country in 2013 and serving you pastors and teaching you about media, live streaming, creating websites, etc.  The Lord told me “You take care of my people and they will take care of you.  I’m hiring you. I’m your boss.” Of course this was after I graduated with my Master’s Degree in Corporate Communications. I also studied in London under the top three global firms. The Lord trained me to help you guys and to learn from you. I really appreciate all I learned from you about ministry and the Lord. From 2013 - 2016 I served ministries all over this country. President Trump came to Nashville in 2016 on his tour and I filmed him in the press corps box. I did not know that in a couple of years I’d be working as a White House Correspondent in Washington DC!

In 2017 we fasted for 40 days for President Trump. This was January 1 - February 10.  My mother died in between. She was so happy to know we had a Christian president. She died two days later after his inauguration.  

Then, after 40 days, I rested two weeks before the Lord gave me four dreams in four nights to give me the assignment of the 2017 MAGA Revival Tour (Make America Godly Again). I left a couple weeks later with $20 in a car with 260,000 miles on it and a rod knocking.  God did miracles on that six month tour. I met many of you while on the road. I drove across the entire border praying for this country. I held four revivals on the north, south, east and west, etc. Following the tour I did a National Christian March in September 2017 to declare we were a Christian Nation! I learned a lot about how sick the church was on that tour. I began exposing this sickness and it led to another 40-day fast tearing down the idols in the church and country in January 2018. It was an amazing feat! This ended up being a book called “The American Idols”.

Then I went to DC again to do proclamations and began writing which turned into four books called The American Quad. This was about what I was learning across the country and what the Lord was showing me in the spirit. I didn’t print them because God told me to go into the prayer closet. I shut the ministries down for eight weeks and listened to God. It was at this time that God called me to go to Washington DC. I finally left a couple months later with $9 and a suitcase. I left my house and had no car when I rode on a greyhound bus and sat on a bench when I arrived and prayed, “What do you want me to do now God?”


Since that time, He did miracles! I’ve written a book about it called, “From the PIT to the Palace”. When I arrived there the main prayer team of the nation heard about what I had done across the country and they opened the doors wide to me. Thanks as well to Pastor Carolyn Sissom for her recommendation as well at that time. She was my mentor and they knew her. She confirmed who I was. Anyway, they made me the captain over the U.S. Capitol Prayer and I prayed for it for three months. God showed me much. God told me before I went that I was going to the “belly of the beast”. That is the belly of perversion.

Then God sent me to the Mouth of the Beast - The White House. I then became the captain of it. I prayed everyday there. This is where my life changed. God showed me the truth of what is going on about President Trump and the beast agenda. I began to see his loyalty to the LGBTQ community and all the things he would do like that in which I knew God would not endorse. Anyway, God showed me that he is NOT what the church is being presented. Since then, God pulled me out of DC after I went to the United Nations with him in 2019. God pulled me out in December 2019. This was right before the Great Reset agenda began in January 2020. God pulled me out right before CO V ID! Yes I say it like it is, Co V ID. It’s an ID System. It is part 1 of the 3 part Global ID. When Trump comes back in, he will finish what he began with Operation Warp Speed and do part 2 and 3 with Elon Musk. This is why he’s bringing in all the globalists to work on his new cabinet. Haven’t you wondered why Big Tech and all the FinTech guys are now bowing? It’s because it was all a show to begin with to bring in the one world order.

So, since I left the White House, I’ve written about 15 books about all of this. I finished the American Quad four in 2020. Then in 2022 I wrote eight books:

  • Crypto Currency & why the church cannot participate

  • Beast Babel - How the beast communicates

  • Image of the Beast - what is the image?

  • One World Order - The Circular Economy

  • Noahide Laws - the persecution of the church that is coming in 2025

  • NAR - New Apostolic Reformation (the church partnering with the beast)

  • Freedom Farce - the deceivers working with the beast

  • Metaverse - the Ark of the Beast


Then in 2024 I released three more books:

  • From the PIT to the Palace - about my journey from 2013 - 2017

  • The Chosen One - about 2017 - now

  • DC Mission - Pictures from my trip there


So, as you can see, I have documented what I’ve discovered through writing and thousands of news shows. So, please heed the warning I’m about to give on what is coming…



WARNING for the CHURCH 2025

First let me explain what is the Co V ID shot. It is an app that is part one to the ID system for the beast. It is RFID technology that relays the person’s information and diagnostics back to the beast system. It was labeled “the software of life” on Moderna’s Website - .  It is the app they need to report back to them. This is why they did drive-by shots. They don’t need your info to receive it. They then have you. They do this by Crispr technology. They cut out the coding in the DNA of the human and insert their own coding. This is why many people believe this is the mark of the beast because they remove the coding from God (his name is written in the DNA coding) and insert Lucifer’s code (Microsoft Patent 060606).  

Cryptocurrency system using body activity data -

Google Patents › patent › WO2020060606A1

Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system.

This new app is still being pushed on people today - Co V ID. You have to ask yourself why. Even Congress said in its recent report that it didn’t do any good!  Look here - . Yes, the very thing that President Trump started and pushed in 2020 did not do a lick of good except MARK every human!  Each jab contains an EID number. This is a bluetooth number that is a patent number! This means they own you now. This goes back to the theory of the MOTB because now Jesus does not own you anymore. His breath made the DNA coding (notice they cannot duplicate blood - this is why - it has God’s system in there. It’s the book of life of each human. It is a computer board within us with God’s coding system and documents everything we do and say. When we allow Crispr technology to remove that code and insert a code that is now attached to the Internet of Everything and makes you a node, you are no longer a part of the book of God. The person becomes transhuman. They are part iron and clay.They have been bought with another price. The new ID system for the beast.

Trump brought this in. If it was not for him, 70% of the church would not have taken it! They have been duped! Now, he’s bringing in the very man to bring in the rest - Elon Musk. He’s doing the Everything APP. This app is modeled after China. This will be the global ID that will contain part two and three.

Global ID:

  1. Co V ID jab - the motherboard app for surveillance and monitoring

  2. Carbon credit score - cryptocurrency & slavery service

  3. Social Credit Score - slavery to Lucifer due to having to please man

I don’t have time to explain everything I know because my beautiful husband is waiting on me to start Christmas dinner. However, I wanted to give you enough to do research and find out what I’m telling you. You’re all in danger. Here is what I know they are doing in 2025:

  • Trump bowed out of the 2020 election after he brought in Operation Warp Speed, President of the United Nations G7 Committee to bring in the 5G across the world which is the power to the beast, formed the 1776 commission to redesign the US constitution in Sept 2019 and handed it to Biden in 2021 so that he could then hand it to Desantis & rewrite the educational materials to be released in the new order of country in 2026 for the Noahide Laws, etc. He bowed out so that Biden could work with the Trump Republicans (America First - which is build, back, better in a red dress - Democrat vomit) and they could do a bi-partisan takeover of the country for the United Nations. They worked together to pass laws under Biden’s name so that he looks like the bad boy, but know this - if it wasn’t for President Trump, he couldn’t have mowed it down like he did. In other words, they gutted the country from the inside out.

  • Then Trump is coming back in with his dream team in 2025 to begin the new order with the complete loyalty and devotion of the church and mow it down for the first 100 days. They have been working on this the past four years. He is going to execute the following in his new presidency:

    • Drug dealers

    • Child Molesters

    • Antisemites

    • & More

  • Antisemites is you! If you believe that Jesus is the only way to Heaven then you are an antisemite! If you believe that Jesus is God! They are lying to the church about antisemitism! Look at the official legal definition according to the Holocaust Museum:

  •  - 

  • If you believe that the Jews killed Jesus like the bible says then you are. This is all in preface for the Noahide Laws.

  • The Noahide Laws are from the Orthodox Jews who are working with President Trump. They are not biblical. They are lying when they say they are. They are not. They are from the Talmud - which hates Jesus. This is a Kabbalistic religion and New Age in origin.

    • I wrote a book about the Noahide Laws and what they are. Basically it works alongside the NAR, which has taken the church back to Hebrew Roots & hung Jesus all over the cross again. They did away with the true meaning of Christianity. They led the church to the slaughter. These Noahide Laws will decapitate the Christians for idolatry and blasphemy for how we see Jesus. Many Christians are turning now to become a Noahide because they believe that they are honoring Israel. But, really they’re going to a death sentence!  It’s horrible!

    • Trump is bringing in the Noahide Laws, which is why you see the cabinet he has surrounding him. Vivek - I call him the Double V. He is a pharmacy guru. He owns a pharmacy company that works with the V. His company is the transportation device that delivers the payload. Yes, this guy is now working with Elon (whose mother is the highest witch in the world and she brags about it)!  Elon wears a baphomet outfit on his Twitter (now X) profile picture. He hired a witch publicly as his Vice President. These people around Trump are not good!

    • TurningPoint USA formed a group called TPUSAFaith. This faith group will be traveling the country in 2025 and beyond going to every city and town to find out who is not for Trump. Yes, Trump is sending out his henchmen. According to Lance Wallnau, they should shame the non-participants in this new one-world-religion on their website! Yes, this group is the one world religion! They want every church to sign an agreement to this new doctrine! (DO NOT SIGN IT!) WARNING!  They call it Biblical Historical Christianity - but it’s nothing but Noahide Laws! They want to identify who is for Trump and who is not. Same with Steve Bannon and his team. They are going after the anti-Trump media. It's a revenge campaign (of which you know God would not endorse at all)!  

    • For a year and a half Elon Musk is going to be deregulating our government and changing all the departments around for the one world order. It’s working with the United Nations…don’t let them lie to you. The United Nations is having every country do this! They are gutting them from the inside out, deregulating everything so they can bring in the 4th Industrial Revolution. This revolution is the robots, automatic cars, AI global governance (Circular Economy), and the new evil empire - Internet of Everything. While Elon is doing this, they will keep the world distracted while natural disasters are going on so they can steal the land and use it for mining for batteries, crypto, super computers, etc. 

    • In May 2025, Trump is beginning America250. This is a project where they will require all cities to do over-the-top patriotism acts for a year solid. This is like Hitler. It’s only for a distraction and to make people think we are still a country. We are not! It left in January 2020. The official paperwork was signed however in 09/22/24 at the Pact for the Future United Nations. The Great Reset is what you’re looking at - Co V ID and transforming countries into their image now. Out of God’s image into their new globalist agenda.

    • Then after Musk is through in June 2026, they are throwing a big shindig on July 4, 2026 to show the world the new Judeo/Christian world - the Noahide Law controlled world. This global unity that you’re looking at is by them.

    • They are setting up global courts called Noahide courts. The court that Netanyahu setup in Israel is like this. They are the high level Sanhedrin courts. This will be to try the non-compliers and Noahides if they don’t comply.


I’ve written enough to hopefully cause you to research what I’m saying. I’m trying to tell you what I’ve learned over the past seven years and I do not want to bog you down. It’s a lot, but God told me to warn you of this….

  • President Trump is not for you. When he reads the snake poem, he’s talking about you and him.

  • He will be like Hitler - the snake eating the tail - it will come back to bite you. He is not working for you. He’s lying to you. This is why he said, “Come on Christians, vote for me one last time and you won’t have to vote again.” Why do you think he said that?

  • The Noahide Laws are coming in and will cause many Christians to be martyred.

  • If you take the V, you will be like cattle and be in slavery to the beast. You must renounce it and repent to God for partnering with the Beast Agenda and not trusting God.

  • Trust in Jesus and do not partner with cryptocurrency or the currency of the beast. This is crypt - meaning death. We cannot go into web3.

  • Do not go into web3.0. (cryptocurrency, decentralized internet, etc)

  • Be ready to die for Jesus' name. If you do not take the Co V ID, you will not be able to enter into the new global system - no buying or selling. So be ready to give your life to not take their coding system or new app, etc.

If you have any questions, please email me at or call at 731-733-0532.  I’m writing this with full blessing from my husband.


Love you all,


Dr. June Knight-Wehr

Cc: Pastor Dennis Wehr